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Email Verification Component

This component is intended to be displayed to the user at the end of the account creation flow. The copy explains that the user will be sent a verification email to the email address they used during registration, and it includes a Call To Action to trigger resending that verification email.


accountObject containing the id and email of the account-
onErrorFunction that will be invoked when the request to resend verification fails-
onSuccessFunction that will be invoked when the request to resend verification succeeds. Note that this does not guarantee that the email has now be sent, only that it is requested-
modeEmailVerification is designed to be used in two different places. When the user first signs up (registration), and if they sign in and haven’t yet verified their email (sign-in). Changing this prop will determine the text shown to the user.sign-in


This component requires CHP Context.


Example usage
import { EmailVerification } from '@truepill/chp-components';

<EmailVerification account={{ id: '12345', email: '' }} />


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